Sunday, February 13, 2011


"The point of staying married until you die is to have a witness to your whole life, to the meaning you built. In the end, you can look at your spouse and say: Somebody knew me—and I knew them." -Rachel Combe (Elle Magazine)
Last year I remember laying in bed, reading an article about marriage in a magazine. I remember coming across a quote that I loved and that really struck a chord. I even read it out loud to Andrew. A few months ago I thought about it and went to find the magazine so I could read it again. I looked in every magazine I had around the house and could not find it. I realized I must have recylced it. Today I decided I was going to try to find this article or this quote online. Thank Google, I did. The article is called "Till Whatever Do Us Part" by Rachel Combe and it was from Elle magazine. You can read it here: The context of the quote was this:

       "Yes! I thought, Fuck happy. The point of living isn’t to be in a perpetual state of fairy-tale ecstasy; it’s to find the meaning of life, the meaning of your life. And the point of marriage, I think, is to create meaning, with every happy and sad memory, every hardship overcome, every kind act, every moment of acceptance, every triumph (Gore will likely never get to have another wife watch him win a Nobel Prize), every child, grandchild, pet, and friend you accumulate ­together. The point of staying married until you die is to have a witness to your whole life, to the meaning you built. In the end, you can look at your spouse and say: Somebody knew me—and I knew them."
-Rachel Combe (Elle Magazine) 

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